A tie-up involving the Ad council and DreamWorks Animation, NRFC’s latest series of public service advertisements feature footage from Kung Fu Panda 3 The Ad Council...
The premiere will be followed by five new openings across 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, the Maldives, Changsha, and Cairo St. Regis Hotels & Resorts...
The overall campaign is an invitation for the public to share their desires with the courier giant using the hashtag #WishesDelivered UPS Canada has premiered...
Titled Special Delivery, the mobile-friendly execution is viewable via YouTube and is the latest to join the internet giant’s Spotlight Series Adding to its Spotlight...
The exercise makes it possible for consumers to convert their travel delays into an opportunity to win prizes across the festive season Sheraton Hotels and...
Named Vice President of Business Development, former Kraft director Eric Schultz’s charge covers the network’s Americas region Brand development, activation, and deployment provider, SGK, a...
Its database and online tools help pharmaceutical brands identify and engage key opinion leaders across a broad range of medical fields Global healthcare marketing and...
Successful contestants will serve as online advocates responsible for expanding the brand’s footprint of the ‘London Look’ worldwide Coty-owned cosmetic behemoth, Rimmel London, has rolled...
The industry honour was afforded her by the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communications Marion McDonald who is Managing Director, Strategy &...
He will be responsible for spearheading strategic creative work for the network’s clients and the coordination of the agency’s in-house teams Havas Health has named Grey...