This adventurous rivalry takes place in Brazil, where two giant billboards, McDonald's and Burger King, stand facing each other. The entire AI-oriented campaign revolves around...
One of the world's favourite fast-food brands, McDonald's has launched a new campaign to celebrate the unspoken, ‘Fancy a McDonald’s?’ moment. The campaign is centred...
McDonald’s distributed 15,500 meals on July 25 to food delivery riders at more than 140 of its restaurants across Singapore to commemorate their hard work...
McDonald's Canda's feel-good campaign is a memorable musical ode to “fry thieves” everywhere McDonald’s Canada announces the launch of its new Steal My Fries ad...
Always teams up with girls’ education advocate Malala Yousafzai, Olympic and professional athletes, and other trailblazing role models to help #KeepHerPlaying Always is teaming up...
McDonald's McCafé cups and McDelivery seal stickers will help raise vaccine awareness this summer As part of the company's ongoing efforts to support communities and...
McDonald's campaign reflects how in a covid-normal world, nights-in have become the new nights-out McDonald’s partners with Publicis Communications to present Night-In, a brand engagement...
McDonald's Big Good feeds hungry Spaniards and helps the agricultural sector face the crisis provoked by COVID-19 Big Good is a new hamburger from McDonald’s....
Burger King’s Halloween campaign, "Scary Places", shows creepy abandoned Wendy’s and McDonald’s Burger King is a big fan of trolling its rivals on Halloween. Who...