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Pepsi MAX rewards those that are bold enough to challenge norms, conventions and cliches in pursuit of bolder, better, and tastier experiences

Pepsi MAX has launched a new campaign, ‘Challenge Your Taste’, which rewards those that are bold enough to challenge norms, conventions and cliches in pursuit of bolder, better, and tastier experiences.

At the forefront of the campaign is an energetic new TV advert, created by Truant London, that transports people into an epic multi-sensory Pepsi MAX taste journey. From cracking open the can, to the mouth rocking, tongue banging taste experience, the campaign brings to life the brand’s Maximum Taste No Sugar proposition.

The dynamic campaign celebrates the senses, highlighting the brand’s taste credentials and challenging expectations of what cola looks, feels, and even sounds like whilst daring cola drinkers to challenge their current perception of what to expect from this non-sugar cola. ‘Challenge Your Taste’ is a continuation of previous Pepsi MAX brand campaigns, evolving its Taste Challenge heritage.

Georgina Meddows-Smith, UK Franchise Beverages marketing director, commented: “As the UK begins to reopen, we thought it would be the perfect time to launch our new ‘Challenge Your Taste’ campaign to the nation. The campaign puts a fun twist on our traditional Taste Challenge, and brings the Pepsi MAX taste experience to life in a bold and unique way. The challenger mentality is a key part of Pepsi MAX’s heritage and this heavily inspired the new creative that encourages the public to re-evaluate their typical cola habits.”

Pepsi MAX has enlisted the help of D Double E, the rapper who pioneered grime before the genre even had a name, to create the soundtrack for the TV advert. His soundtrack and lyrics amplify the epic taste experience by creating a bubbling sensation and fizz that lasts from beginning to end – bringing the brand’s Maximum Taste, No Sugar proposition to life in a visceral way.

D Double E commented: “Creating the soundtrack for Challenge Your Taste was fun, I’m looking forward to seeing it drop. It was a cool campaign to be a part of, bringing the taste experience of Pepsi MAX to life in my own way meant I could play around with the sound and style of the music which I love doing – it’s not every day you get to bring the sound of cola to life!”

The ‘Challenge Your Taste’ TVC will be supported by disruptive out-of-home creatives and powerful digital content. The OOH features bold phrases, such as ‘Taste Rockin’ and ‘Flavour Bursting’, designed to leave people in no doubt that Pepsi MAX is the cola with the taste that defies all expectations. As part of the wider campaign, social activations will also showcase the meaning of ‘Challenge Your Taste’.

About Post Author

Joshua Hughes

Advertising Editor. I love adland, having worked in the industry for the past decade. In addition to advertising, I love my movies.
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