In line with the brand’s Say More campaign, Kisses Deluxe helped one family honour their mother by expressing how they really feel about her
The Hershey Company has unveiled its largest innovation in 25 years—a new product line dubbed Kisses Deluxe Chocolates—in an effort to offer gift givers the opportunity to put more thought into their holiday expressions meant for friends and family.
Twice the size of an original Kisses Chocolate bulb, the offering features a creamy centre which surrounds a whole hazelnut roasted and complemented with cookie crisps and milk chocolate. Meanwhile, its multiple layers coupled with its golden-hued wrapper complete its look and feel as a premium alternative.
In line with the brand’s Say More campaign which supports the debut, Kisses Deluxe helped one family honour their mother. The spot focuses on Barbara Levy who commutes more than four hours daily to provide for her household, while still finding the energy to spend time with her kids at the start and end of each day.
With her loved ones wanting to recognise her contributions, Kisses Deluxe organised a surprise for her which was timed in with one of her drives home. To follow the full story, viewers are encouraged to visit the brand’s dedicated microsite and watch the video.
In fact, the launch was sparked by a survey the chocolate-maker conducted through Wakefield Research from 25-30 September 2015, which uncovered interesting findings surrounding the communication of gratitude and locating a holiday gift which matches one’s feelings.
The study suggests that the majority (85%) of Americans have difficulty expressing appreciation during holiday gatherings, while 68 percent of the same struggle to find a present which accurately relays their heartfelt sentiments. Hence, Hershey’s Kisses were reimagined to help consumers ‘say more’ this year.

With many finding it hard to embody joy over the festive season, the brand partnered with Dr. Jonah Berger, a best-selling author, communications researcher, and marketing professor of Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, to learn why people desire to do better at the task.
A key factor explaining the feat has been attributed to the ever-growing presence of technology, with 37 percent of Americans, a number including 69% of millennials, confessing to checking their phones during Thanksgiving dinner. In fact, 81 percent of respondents believe family reunions were more meaningful before smartphones.
“Although we’re more connected now than ever before, technology has become a barrier to meaningful connection and communication. There’s more volume of communication, but it’s not as personal, unlike the intimacy of a physical face-to-face conversation with a loved one,” said Dr. Berger.
Furthermore, the poll also revealed that while 68 percent of the surveyors wish they had more in-person family conversations, nearly one in three (30%) consider a chocolate gift box the most heartfelt gift to receive from a loved one during the holidays.
“We were inspired by our own fans looking for an exceptional gift to communicate their feelings. Kisses Deluxe Chocolates are a premium option from a brand that has supported holiday traditions for millions of American families over the years,” said Melinda Lewis, Senior Director of the Hershey’s and Kisses Franchises.
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