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Latest Global Initiative by FCB Africa Uses Meme Culture and Social Sharing to Energise Contemporary Audiences

Coca-Cola‘s Southeast Asia Business Unit has launched its newest initiative aimed at teens with a new campaign from FCB Africa‘s agencies FCB Joburg (strategy) and FCB Cape Town (creative).


The campaign, entitled “Jig,” encourages young people around the world to dance a Coke-infused “jig,” and showcases the drink as an antidote to Generation Z’s “post-lunch fatigue.”

The campaign is anchored by an anthem video, which opens with a group of friends sitting in a cafeteria. They are all drinking ice-cold Coca-Cola, except for one boy who is clearly battling the “mid-afternoon slump.” As a friend pops the lid off a bottle of Coca-Cola under his nose, the boy wakes up, takes a sip and immediately springs to his feet to do a little “jig.” This moment is captured and shared, and the meme speeds around the globe – within seconds – coming full circle to finally arrive on the phone of the boy who just “jigged.”

“Importantly, the campaign needed to be relevant to Coca-Cola’s core target audience: teens, the head-down generation always on the smartphone, always connected and always looking for the next thing to share via myriad social networks.

“As a result, the launch commercial takes inspiration from the speed with which anything visual and entertaining can go viral. One second, you are torpid and dull. The next, you are sipping a Coca-Cola, on your feet and animated. The next, the meme your friend shared has close to one-and-a-half million shares. That i the power of the Coca-Cola antidote,” said Pratik Thakar, Head of Creative Content and Design Excellence, The Coca-Cola Company Asia.

The purpose of “Jig” is to further entrench Coca-Cola’s position as an afternoon-consumption beverage. Whilst teens are the campaign’s primary audience, anyone who needs to re-energise and fight the “slump” should find inspiration in the 60-second launch commercial.

The fully integrated campaign will roll out over 8-12 months in consumer-centric markets, including those in the Caucasus, Russia and Central Asia (CIS); Pan Africa; Turkey; and Southeast Asia (Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore/Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia), as well as in many additional markets across the globe.

“This was an awesome vote of confidence in our agency‘s creative and strategic capabilities. Kudos to the Johannesburg agency for being so spot on with the strategy, and much respect to our Cape Town agency, which did an outstanding job on the creative side. It is great to see a campaign by our company go global,” said FCB Group CEO and Chief Creative Officer, Brett Morris.

Coca-Cola was a four-time global winner of the World Branding Awards, in the Beverages-Softdrinks category.

About Post Author

Anisha Kapoor

Public Relations and Marketing Editor. When I'm not busy chasing the stories behind PR and marketing, I like to read, swim and cook.
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