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On National Lazy Day (August 10th), American furniture brand La-Z-Boy launched its ‘Long Live The Lazy’ marketing platform with a national ad campaign. Reclaiming laziness and empowering consumers to take a break, Long Live The Lazy focuses on the transformational power of comfort.

Long Live the Lazy

The national campaign began with a 30-second short film titled ‘We The Lazy’, highlighting consumers resting on La-Z-Boy furniture. “We’re standing up for our right to be lazy… by sitting down and reclining back.” the talents say firmly in their comfortable seats. 

Showcasing diverse characters in a state of relaxation, the video takes viewers through everyday scenarios where rest – or laziness – is essential. Like full-time employees and parents who choose to recline until further notice, and adults who will gladly put off chores until the next day. 


The brand’s Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Christy Hoskins, shared, “Our ‘Long Live the Lazy’ platform reflects the reality that everyone occasionally needs the time and space to power down, kick up their feet, and make comfort their top priority.” Hence, as the company evolves, so do its designs to offer absolute comfort for consumers who deserve their lazy moments.

Additionally, the platform features a modern brand identity and elements that reflect the brand’s iconic furniture. Moreover, to underline the brand’s commitment to laziness, physical activations for Long Live the Lazy will follow digital, social, national, and regional advertising.

La-Z-Boy Introduces The AI-Powered Decliner

Driving home the message of staying comfortable and lazy, La-Z-Boy has also revealed its AI-powered The Decliner. The recliner prototype, modelled after La-Z-Boy, uses artificial intelligence to generate an excuse to cancel an invite.

In its promotional video, a woman relaxing on her La-Z-Boy receives text messages from her friend for a night out. Dressed cosily and with a warm beverage, she pulls the handle on the La-Z-Boy, which automatically generates an excuse. 

Although the excuse makes little sense (“Sorry, I can’t. I’m helping the neighbour look for their runaway llama”), it does the deed of declining an invite. With just a pull of a handle, consumers can enjoy more me-time and less we-time. 

Encouraging revolutionary comfort in everyday lives, La-Z-Boy will appear in mobile games, music streaming sites, and even sports networks. According to Hoskins, this connects and perfectly complements the moments of laziness the brand hopes to empower.

Long Live the Lazy was developed by RPA, an advertising and marketing agency based in Santa Monica. On the other hand, consumer activation and new brand elements for The Decliner were created by Colle McVoy, Exponent, and 10 Thousand Design.

About Post Author

Ashley Ooi

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