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Campaign by Northwestern Mutual encourages people to make the most of life today while also planning for tomorrow

Northwestern Mutual, a leading financial security company, announced the launch of a new brand campaign called “Spend Your Life Living.” Many people are stressed about their finances and saving for their future retirements, making it challenging to make the most of life’s moments now without feeling guilty. The campaign’s goal is to reframe people’s idea of planning for their financial futures, and help them feel empowered to make the most of enjoying life every single day.

“Our research uncovered the constant struggle Americans are experiencing between living for now and saving for later. People are in a balancing act of how they can enjoy today while preparing for tomorrow, and this results in massive anxiety. This campaign shows how Northwestern Mutual helps our clients plan for the important moments in their lives so they can make the most of every single day,” said Aditi Gokhale, Chief Marketing Officer, Northwestern Mutual.

Through focus group research, Northwestern Mutual found that the tension between living for now and saving for later was universal for people regardless of demographics. This same research concluded that people will seek (and act on) planning for the lifestyle they want to live, including vacations, career aspirations, and passions. People were most responsive when they felt empowered to make things happen now and not miss out on moments with family, or experiences like travel.

Advertising agency, GSD&M, worked with Northwestern Mutual on developing the overall brand campaign and created four TV spots for “Spend Your Life Living” that will air throughout 2018. The ad spots — called “Backyard Bliss,” “This Call’s for You,” “Fish Out of Water” and “Ocean, Whoa” — tap into each of the consumer insights. Spots will begin to launch on 29 December and will be featured across numerous platforms including print, digital, and social.


About Post Author

Olivia Pearce

Branding Editor. Passionate about all things branding, I like to find out the stories behind a brand. If I do have any spare time, I enjoy watching documentaries.
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