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Over the next 10 years and longer, ASICS plans to expand its business in three domains, Product, Facility and Community, and Analysis and Diagnosis

ASICS has launched its new ten-year long-term vision, “VISION2030”. The vision, which extends through 2030, presents long-term targets for ASICS to become the company it aspires to be in the future.

Today’s society and the environment have been undergoing huge changes at unprecedented speed. Digital technology is now a part of the everyday lives of many people and offers new value and experiences.

On the other hand, new social issues related to our health have arisen as we have fewer opportunities to move our bodies as our lifestyles become richer and more convenient. As a result, awareness of health conditions from both mind and body perspective will likely grow even more around the world.

ASICS’ founding philosophy is a sound mind in a sound body, and it represents the company’s wish to enable healthy and fulfilled lives to people. In this changing world, the company’s founding philosophy will be more required from society and people than ever in the future.

The company will continue to offer products, services, and an environment that contribute to improving health conditions from both mind and body perspective across a wider spectrum whilst it continues to honour the brand’s philosophy as its core.

Over the next 10 years and longer, ASICS plans to expand its business in three domains, Product, Facility and Community, and Analysis and Diagnosis.

The Product domain will create a framework for developing personalised products based on customers’ individual preferences and varied senses of value and delivering them quickly.

The Facility and Community domain will offer opportunities to start and continue sports as well as sites for anyone and everyone to enjoy sports at any time and in any place, either in reality or virtually, in order to contribute to the good health of more people.

The Analysis and Diagnosis domain will support the maintenance and improvement of individuals’ health and performance using analytical diagnostic methods developed based on expertise accumulated over many years and data collected using sensing and other new technologies.

All three business domains will share the three common themes of digital, personal, and sustainable. Using always-evolving digital technology, the business domains will develop and offer personalised products and services with environmentally conscious sustainable methods.

Based on these three themes, ASICS plans to generate synergies by combining the three individual business domains whilst growing each individual domain and also maximise value. Then, by offering optimal value to each and every customer from various angles, ASICS intends to contribute to enabling healthy and fulfilled lives.

The company’s new mid-term management plan will begin in 2021. As the world undergoes rapid changes and moves forward, ASICS will ensure that all employees share its vision for the future through “VISION2030” and focus on business activities with a new perspective in line with the times.

Then, based on its core founding philosophy of contributing to the healthful bodies and minds of all people throughout the world, ASICS will strive to be a trusted company that delivers clear value to society for a bright future.

About Post Author

Olivia Pearce

Branding Editor. Passionate about all things branding, I like to find out the stories behind a brand. If I do have any spare time, I enjoy watching documentaries.
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