The Twitter marketing solutions provider’s new platform allows advertisers to execute stronger campaigns using better targeting and greater relevance

London-based Twitter marketing platform, SocialBro, has rolled out its latest offering called Personality Insights. Powered by IBM Watson, the solution visualises the personality traits of a given audience to enable segmentation at a psychological level and provide depth of targeting and relevance.

An internal study by the team revealed that users of the social site with certain characteristics are 40 per cent more likely to redeem a coupon while others are twice as likely to click on Twitter ad campaigns. The platform allows for advertisers to discover these segments and reach the said individuals directly.

Based on three models namely The Big Five, Values, and Needs, the new tool examines the psycholinguistics of Tweet content to help marketers understand their audience’s individual preference on a granular level. The solution has helped brands such as Telefonica and Adecco improve the results of their Twitter advertising.

Designed to match cognitive computing to the manner in which marketers approach campaigns, Personality Insights combined capabilities assist a brand in defining its audience by personality, relationships, and content to build precise targeting strategies, increase its competitive advantage, improve response rates, and enhance the strategic direction of campaigns.

“Insight-driven digital marketing is a given and one of the amazing things about Twitter is the richness of data publicly available. Now personality-driven marketing is no longer a vision for the future but a present reality. Marketers can use personality data to further enrich their audience profiles and begin to build proactive marketing strategies,” said Javier Buron, Co-founder and CEO of SocialBro.

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