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Other Winners Include Amazon Fire Phone, Beats, Bose, Canon, Intel, Nest, Microsoft and Sonos.

Ace Metrix a standard in television and video advertising analytics, today announced the top 15 highest scoring technology hardware ads of 2014, a list led and dominated by Samsung whose “Water Resistant” ad for the Samsung Galaxy S5 (video below) leads the list, powered by Information and Product Relevance. In addition to Mobile Devices, of which Amazon’s Fire Phone is also included, the list includes Cameras, led by Canon’s “Hollywood Caliber” ad; Computer Hardware, including ads from Intel, Microsoft and Samsung; Electronics, including ads from Bose, Nest and Sonos; and TVs, led by Samsung’s “Curved” ad.

“As a culture, we have a fascination with technology. Unlike other categories, people want to do more than connect on an emotional level, they want know about new devices and features. As such, consumers thirst for information content when it comes to tech advertising. Not surprisingly, some of the best technology ads according to viewers deliver the ability to convey this meaningful information,” said Peter Daboll, CEO of Ace Metrix. “Samsung and Amazon are both examples of brands that succeed largely by debuting product-focused ads that change consumers’ perceptions of the brand and create a desire for the product. It’s also interesting to see some new players in the field, such as Sonos and Nest, capturing viewers’ attention while teaching them about the new products.”

Top Tech Hardware* Ads of 2014 Ranked by Percent Above Category Norm (YTD)

# Brand/

Cat. Norm

Ace Score

Percent Above

YTD Category Norm


Samsung Mobile Phones/ Mobile Devices

Water Resistant 592 739 24.9% Information and Product

Samsung Mobile Phones/ Mobile Devices

Makes Everyday Better 592 715 20.8% Information and Product

Canon/ Cameras

Hollywood Caliber 537 647 20.4% Attention and Likeability

Samsung Televisions/ TVs

Curved 605 716 18.3% Change, Information
and Desire

Bose/ Electronics

Carry Your Music 536 633 18.1% Information and Product

Nest/ Electronics

Spycam 536 625 16.6% Likeability and Information

Samsung Mobile Phones/ Mobile Devices

Don’t Be A Wall Hugger 592 690 16.6% Information and Product

Samsung Hardware/ Computer Hardware

Can Do 583 677 16.2% Information and Change


Sonos/ Electronics Fill Your Home (Super
536 617 15.1% Information and Desire
10 Samsung Hardware/
Computer Hardware
Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1:
583 666 14.3% Information and Desire
11 Samsung Hardware/
Computer Hardware
Incredible 583 665 14.1% Change and Product
11 Intel/ Computer
In The Lab 583 665 14.1% Desire, Attention and
11 Amazon Fire Phone/
Mobile Devices
Fire Phone 592 675 14.1% Change and Information
14 Beats Audio/
The Right Music :60
(Super Bowl)
536 611 14.0% Attention and Likeability
15 Microsoft Hardware/
Computer Hardware
Real Work 583 660 13.3% Information and Product

*Definition: Technology Hardware includes the following categories: Cameras, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Mobile Devices and Televisions. Each of these categories has its own norm, shown above. The percent above category norm is calculated based on the individual 2014 YTD category norms. The Ace Score is the measure of ad creative effectiveness based on viewer reaction to national TV ads. A unique sample of 500+ people, representative of the U.S. TV viewing audience scores each ad. The results are presented on a scale of 1–950, which represents scoring on creative attributes such as Persuasion, Likeability, Information, Attention, Change, Relevance, Desire and Watchability. This list represents the top 15 Tech Hardware Ads of 2014 to outperform their category year-to-date norm as of December 4, 2014.

What’s in Samsung’s Special Sauce?

With seven of the top 15 tech hardware ads, what is Samsung doing right in its advertising? For Mobile Devices, the brand is winning by providing appropriate and relevant information to consumers. For example, consumers affirmed that water resistance was relevant and important to them based on responses to the number one ranked “Water Resistant” ad, which scored 24.9 percent higher than the Mobile Devices 2014 YTD norm. The Brand’s “Makes Everyday Better” ad touts the impressive features of the Galaxy S5, scoring 20.8% higher than its category norm. Samsung’s “Don’t Be A Wall Hugger” ad displayed very relatable scenes of consumers sitting near outlets while charging their phones. The ad’s Relevance score came in 23 percent above the norm for Mobile Devices, meaning consumers felt this ad was very relevant to their own lives.

With well-known scenes from popular cinema, Samsung’s “Curved” ad showcased the brand’s new Curved TV, scoring 18.3 percent higher than the average 2014 Television ad. The ad impressed men and women equally and won by encouraging desire among consumers, changing their perceptions and providing information. Samsung’s “Can Do” ad comparing its Note tablet to other popular products like the Kindle Fire and iPad succeeded with an Information score 21 percent higher than average. “Incredible” features a variety of Samsung hardware, from its Curved TV to the Galaxy S5. The 90-second spot earned a Relevance score that was 18 percent above norm and an Information score of 12 percent above norm.

Other Winning Ads Powered By Information

Bose’s “Carry Your Music” is a product-focused ad that attracted the attention of every age and gender demographic nearly equally. The ad drew especially high scores in terms of Desire, Relevance and Information, 16 percent, 18 percent and 15 percent above the Electronics norm, respectively.

Sonos’ “Fill Your Home” ad from the Super Bowl won on both Information as well as a strong Desire score, which was 15 percent above the Electronics norm.

Amazon’s ad “Fire Phone” achieved a score 14.1 percent above the 2014 Mobile Devices norm YTD. The ad earned an Information score 19 percent above norm, and 36 percent of consumers indicated that the new phone was the best thing about the ad.

Microsoft’s Surface tablet ad “Real Work” earned a high score for its featured product and the information that was given in the ad. Six percent of consumers said that they “love” the concept of having a tablet replace their full-time laptop and 7 percent mentioned that the product looked “cool.”

Winning Ads By Breakthrough Potential

The top ad drawing strength through breakthrough measures of Attention and Likeability is Canon’s “Hollywood Caliber.” Forty-three percent of consumers indicated that the best thing about this ad was the visual scenes. The strong visuals produced a strong emotional response, with the ad’s Emotional Sentiment score coming in 25 percent above norm.

Nest’s “Spycam” ad featuring a “talking” dog, earned both an Information score 20 percent above norm and a Likeability score 15 percent above norm. Eighteen percent of consumers mentioned how “cute” the ad and dog were while 6 percent mentioned that they found the ad “funny.”

Intel’s recent humorous spot “In The Lab” garnered high Attention and Likeability scores, 12 percent and 15 percent above the 90-day Computer Hardware norm, respectively. Eighteen percent of consumers said the ad was “funny” with 7 percent calling out the name “Sheldon” (actor Jim Parsons) from The Big Bang Theory.

Beats’ “The Right Music” ad featuring Ellen DeGeneres is the second Super Bowl ad on the list, earning an Ace Score of 611, 14 percent higher than the Electronics 2014 YTD norm. Ellen helped bring the ad high scores in Likeability and Attention, 13 percent and 11 percent above the 90-day norm, respectively.

About Post Author

Thomas Ng

Technology Editor. Love all thing tech. I also enjoy travelling and visiting new places and having new experiences.
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