During her first stint at Fallon, Buckner's client list included Nordstrom, PBS, and United Airlines Kara Buckner returns to Fallon to manage the agency and...
Seven-episode series is hosted by Accenture’s Brent Chaters and technology reporter Amber Mac Accenture has launched Marketing Disrupted, a seven-episode podcast series focusing on key...
Amazon has become the world's most valuable brand in 2019. Brand Z, the world’s largest brand equity base has announced that Amazon has finally beaten...
The Fossil Sport Smartwatch is based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 platform, while powered with the new Wear OS by Google. Fossil has expanded...
DHL will introduce its newest innovation in supply chain risk management: The Resilience360 App At the 4th annual Risk & Resilience Conference, DHL will introduce...
Cardinal Path has been offering both licensing and services expertise since 2005 and has a client retention of greater than 95% amongst its Google Analytics...
Global Winners of the World Branding Awards include Amazon, Apple, Coca-Cola, Facebook, Google, McDonald's, Microsoft, Nike, Starbucks, UPS and Visa The Americas Edition of the...
Marketplace e-commerce solution by PMX Agency to help clients navigate increasingly critical marketplace landscape PMX Agency announced that it has launched an expanded Marketplace E-Commerce...
Multi-Year Global Education Programme in Partnership with Cannes Lions Announced by Google To Improve Diversity and Representation in Creative Industries The Cannes Lions International Festival...
Walt & Company Hired to Boost Chefling Smart Kitchen App Sales Walt & Company, an award-winning Silicon Valley tech public relations and social media agency,...