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Good Earth has moved to reinvent the customer experience with the creation of a revamped website, new line of teas, and fresh packaging.

Fresh off a rebrand, Good Earth has ushered in a transformation which delivers several prominent enhancements to include the creation of a fresh line of premium loose-leaf teas, reimagined product packaging, and a website overhaul. The move endeavours to redefine the customer experience.

The improved, more engaging portal greets users with a matchmaking quiz upon entry, enticing online visitors with the invitation to reveal their ‘tea soulmate.’ The individual results guide shoppers to a sampling pack recommendation customised based on the answers given during the survey.

The exercise generates a selection of five signature blends for review out of the dozens of varieties available through Good Earth, whose offerings are the product of meticulous worldwide sourcing. The idea behind the drill is to pair drinkers with what could potentially be a new hot favourite.

The new premium line-up of loose-leaf teas by Good Earth.
The new premium line up of loose leaf teas by Good Earth

For iced tea enthusiasts, the site enables further discovery by prompting top DIY choices for the user’s consideration. Consumers may also peruse the platform to explore helpful insights surrounding key artisanal picks that range from black, green, and herbal infusions such as oolong and puerh.

While the label is Indian, its premium concoctions are well received in the American market, to which the strategically executed revamp caters. With roots that trace back to India’s Hathikuli Estate, its high quality is derived from flowers, fruits, and natural ingredients cultivated from superior stock.

“Tea drinking is on the rise in the US, but unlike other countries, it has long possessed a coffee-centric culture. It’s why we have curated a collection of exceptional loose-leaf teas that take out the guesswork and retain the surprise,” said Dhwani Kothari, Global Brand Manager for Good Earth.

The latest entrants to grace the brand’s expanded portfolio include Coconut Crush, Turmeric Chai, Puerh Thins, Rosa de Jamaica, and Hathikuli Organic. Each is packaged in exquisitely-designed reusable metal tins, with distinct colours to help identify the epicurean flavours that await on the inside.

About Post Author

Deborah Joy Peter

Staff journalist, World Branding Forum.
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