Runners and cyclists have often expressed frustration about the app’s bright display when opened.
Strava has at last introduced dark mode, fulfilling one of its users’ most requested features.
The new look is arguably the most notable update among the numerous features Strava recently announced and is set to roll out soon. Last month, Strava stated that it would accelerate its pace of introducing new initiatives and product developments.
Strava claims its new dark mode will alleviate eye strain, cater to users with accessibility needs, and provide more options for personalising the app’s interface.
Strava takes the familiar interface and flips it for a new look. The app switches to a dark background with lighter text and details, making it easier on the eyes. Maps will also join the dark side for a more unified visual experience.
The settings can be accessed in the latest version of the app by clicking on “You,” selecting the settings icon, navigating to “Preferences,” and then “Appearance.” The option will be available there, with the default setting matching the phone’s operating system settings.
Dark mode was first introduced to the iPhone with iOS 13 in 2019. It allows users to set their preferences and have them reflected across both Apple’s apps and third-party apps. Since then, nearly all apps have aimed to incorporate this feature.

While dark mode has become a standard feature across many apps since its introduction on iPhones in 2019, Strava remained a notable holdout. This meant users switching their phones to dark mode might be surprised by Strava’s bright interface, making the update all the more welcome.
Following the lead of many other apps, Strava now offers a dedicated dark mode! You can choose to have it automatically match your device’s settings or keep the app permanently in either light or dark mode for a truly customized experience.
Strava’s dark mode arrives as part of a wave of exciting updates. Announced last month, this suite of features includes AI-powered anti-cheating tools for leaderboards, a convenient family subscription option, and initiatives focused on creating a safer environment for women on the platform.
In conclusion, the introduction of dark mode marks a significant update among a range of new features aimed at enhancing user experience and safety on the platform. From customizable preferences to advanced AI tools, these updates reflect Strava’s commitment to meeting the evolving needs of its community.